Summer Art Classes
I'm pretty sure we were all born with the desire to create. From an early age curiosity has always led to finding crayons to draw with, sticks to make noise with and blocks to build upon. Creating is extraordinary as it allows our senses to come alive allowing for growth in both mind and spirit.
With Art existing in each of our lives in different forms, we are each impacted in our character and development in numerous ways. From painting to dance, musical harmony to sculpting clay - Art is beautiful and every so important in our growth as a society.
Art will knock down walls, bring communities together and open up dialogue if we allow it.
As I just wrapped up my Summer Art Classes, I wonder if I should begin a year round program offering more? What's your thoughts?
Thank you for your second year of incredible support and encouragement over these past two Summers.
xo, Candace Rae
My summer art classes are designed to keep their imaginations alive and discover a new appreciation for the world of Art. Geared for ages 6-14, these 75 minute classes have been designed for all skill levels.Class sizes range from 4 - 8 students and are held at my home residence in Atascadero.
Using canvas, paint and brushes, children will be taught how to paint using basic techniques that will excite them for more! All classes include art supplies. Canvas, brushes and paints. Children will be able to take home their creation.